Happy Monday, everyone!
Star Citizen Alpha 3.15: Deadly Consequences raises the stakes in the ‘verse so that every step matters. With new hospitals, medical gameplay, a revamped healing system, and dangerous new missions, the way we play has changed forever. Take a look at all the new features and the full patch notes on the Star Citizen Alpha 3.15: Deadly Consequences page.
In addition to the live release of Alpha 3.15, our developers have been deploying Alpha 3.15.1 to the PTU servers to perform final stress tests for the upcoming IAE 2951 event. So feel free to join us for testing, and while you’re there, you may want to look up at the sky for something new!
Plus, if you want to learn more about the future development of Star Citizen, check out last week’s Server Meshing & Persistent Streaming Q&A. It’s a great follow-up to the CitizenCon 2951 panel and provides a lot of additional information and answers to your most up-voted questions.
Now, let’s see what’s going on this week in more detail:
This Tuesday, lore post Kaizen examines the buzz around the upcoming IAE and digs into details about the booming medical and insurance industries.
Wednesday will bring you the bi-weekly Roadmap Update and Roadmap Roundup.
Thursday brings an IAE-themed episode of Inside Star Citizen that looks at two vehicles making their debut in the Persistent Universe this week. And if you haven’t, be sure you check out last week’s on the Future of Space Combat.
On Friday, the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2951 finally opens its doors at the New Babbage Convention Center with Anvil Aerospace as the first host. Through December 1, you can expect three spectacular appearances by Jax McCleary, 16 ship exhibitors, and an insane Free Fly with more than 100 ships – all fully accessible and free for you and your fellow friends.
You’ll also see an update to the Subscriber Vault and the RSI Newsletter will wait for you in your inbox. We’ll also meet Lead FPS Systems Designer Jonny Jacivicius and members of the FPS Content and Feature Teams to discuss all the things player characters can do with their hands. The Live Episode starts on our Star Citizen Twitch channel at 7am Pacific / 3pm UTC.
Last but not least, our Fall Referral Bonus runs throughout December 1, so invite your friends to join you at the IAE and you both can take home an MPUV! And since this might be your very first TWISC, I invite you to head to the New Players Guide for tips on getting started.
Have an excellent week and I’ll see you on microTech!
Christian Wayne Schmitt
Community Manager