


August 12th 2015

Mining Rocks: August 2945
Shubin Interstellar Employee Newsletter

August 2945


Everything Begins With Mining!

As we expand our reach throughout our universe, it has caused me on occasion to take the time to reflect why it is we have dedicated our lives to mining. Sure, on the surface, some might think that mining is all about having a secure and lucrative career, but if we dig a little bit deeper, I think it becomes clear that it’s about a whole lot more than that.

It doesn’t matter who you are, without the hundreds of thousands of material benefits that come from the mining industry, our universe would be completely different. Eliminating the minerals that are mined, processed, smelted and refined by Shubin Interstellar and other corporations like us would mean that the average civilian’s daily life would be much more primitive than the so-called “good old days” of centuries gone by. When you come down to it, it’s really impossible to escape the myriad things we use every day — and take for granted — that come from the mines across the Empire.

And mining’s life-changing contributions aren’t just limited to the critical mineral resources we provide. In every UEE community, whether large and small, the positive influences of the mining industry can be seen, enjoyed and appreciated. Shubin Interstellar’s contributions to the community have always been generous and good for everyone’s way of life, be it in the form of financial support for worthwhile causes, or in the form of cultural, educational, recreational and security facilities that mining’s taxes help provide. Mining has left its mark in so many beneficial ways throughout the Empire’s history. It is for this reason that the industry can sincerely say,
“Everything Begins With Mining!”

From the desk of,
Gavin Arlington, CEO


A closer look at Shubin and Safety.

Speak Up About Musculoskeletal Disorders

In the mining industry, musculoskeletal disorders are a serious health concern, accounting for over 40% of workers’ compensation claims. As such, Shubin Interstellar has launched this month a brand new musculoskeletal disorders education program titled “Back to Work” that uses key ergonomics principles and a strong communication strategy to help reduce musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace.

In the next few weeks, each station and small mine participating in the program will nominate a team of representatives from their workforce. Participants need to be considered ‘champions’ within their workplaces; those who have a lot of respect amongst their peers. Each team will then identify tasks from their everyday work that could cause musculoskeletal injuries. They then figure out ways to avoid or minimize the risks. Each team will then return to their respective workplaces to implement changes with the backing of mine management. At the end of the program a reception will be held on all stations to showcase the results and highlight what we have learned. Look for more on that special night in next month’s newsletter!

EVA Inspections Due

Just a reminder that all EVA suit inspections must be complete by the end of this month. Please remember to bring all equipment from your lockers and personal storage areas to the designated inspection points. It only takes a few minutes to – Know You’re Safe and Breathe Easy.


Some interesting facts about the ore around you. This month we look at …


  • Aluminum was once considered so rare that ancient Earth leaders served their honored guests on plates made from it as a sign of respect.
  • Long before today’s modern composites, many primitive spacecraft were constructed from aluminum, which was favored for its light weight and mechanical stability.
  • Before being mined, the well-known “Bloody Smile” asteroid of Bremen originally got its grin from a vein of Bauxite, a red-hued aluminum ore.


Acknowledging all the ways that our employees help care for their community.

Veteran Employment Initiative

For the past decade, we here at Shubin Interstellar have been proud of our successful program to help UEE Veterans find work once their tour of duty is done. Veterans, who have benefited from training and development during their military service, possess a wide variety of skills and experiences that greatly contribute to the Shubin Interstellar team. With close to two thousand veterans hired so far, providing these brave men and women with a new career in mining seems a fitting way to thank them for their service. Which is why, as this month marks the 10th anniversary of this program, we as a company are looking to continue to offer jobs to honorably discharged veterans who meet our standard hiring criteria. For more information, please contact your local recruitment supervisor.


Shubin Interstellar can’t do it alone!

Welcome to Cooper and Son Mining

The latest independent mining operator to join the Shubin fold is a family-run operation out of Ferron. Cooper and Son Mining have over 15 years of experience and were the perfect match to begin the preliminary exploration and scans of the newly tagged asteroid bundle in that system. Ferron regional manager, Doug Kint, noted the small mining outfit’s precise material composition scans and 70% extraction record as the reasons why the contract was awarded to Cooper and Son. When asked what she was most excited about, owner operator Silla Cooper said, “Shubin is known for their expertise and ability to safely mine even the most difficult finds. It is a pleasure to finally be able to work with them.” If you happen to be in system, please make sure to give them a warm Shubin hello.


2945 Shubin Mine Rescue Challenge

After a six-year absence, the 2945 Shubin Mine Rescue Challenge will kicked off this month at our Baker facility. The event invites 10 Search and Rescue teams from Shubin facilities throughout the Empire to take part in six rescue scenarios: firefighting, zero-g accident rescue, high angle vertical rescue, search and rescue, endurance and triage.

The challenge is a chance for Shubin Interstellar’s skilled brigade rescue teams to test their knowledge, leadership and teamwork abilities. Winners will be announced in next month’s Mining Rocks!


Congrats to all our Employees celebrating anniversaries this month like-

  • Bernadine Clent, Beam Operator, Baker, 50 years – Bernadine Clent will be celebrating 50 years with Shubin Interstellar this month. A 12-time Certificate of Excellence award winner, Bernadine is known as much for her steady hand as she is for her love of sharing her ’verse-famous coco-cherry bars.
  • Julian Wexler, Archon Facilities Director, Archon, 10 years – Julian Wexler started his career under the tutelage of Bill Erickson at the Stanton Office. After Erickson’s resignation 3 years ago, Julian was transferred to the Archon Base where he has been using his unique managerial skills to help revitalize the station. We look forward to seeing what Julian will accomplish with his next ten years!
  • Donelle Willis, RMAP Specialist, Stanton, 5 years – A third-generation Shubin Interstellar employee, some would say that Donelle was born with mining in his blood, and after you see him configure remote material analysis packages you’ll be inclined to agree. It is hard to believe he has only been with the company for five years as many grew accustomed to seeing him under foot when he was only a child.

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